
AutorIn 1:
Nickell, Stephen
Unemployment and Labor Market Rigidities: Europe versus North America
In: The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 11, No. 3, (Summer, 1997), pp. 55-74
"(...) Here is the received wisdom. The European job market is rigid and inflexible. Result: high unemployment. The North American job market is dynamic and flexible. Result: low unemployment. So Europeans had better do something about their labor markets unless they want permanent double digit unemployment. In fact, this is not totally wrong. There are features of the labor markets in some European countries that help sustain high levels of unemployment. Some of these features can be thought of as rigidities. However, there are many other so-called rigidities that do not cause high unemployment and, indeed, may serve a useful purpose. So it is important to know which features of the labor market cause high unemployment and which do not. This is the subject of what follows. (...)"
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