
AutorIn 1:
Lassnigg, Lorenz
HerausgeberIn 1:
Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS)
Urban education in Austria – ‘repression’ of the topic and a ‘reversed’ political agenda
Draft contribution to Second International Handbook of Urban Education, Springer (forthc.), editors William T. Pink & George W. Noblit
"(...) In Austria, the degree of urbanisation is low and stagnating, and the regional structure is heavily politicised because of a complex federalist structure. A long tradition of political struggles along rural-urban and political right-left lines concerns federalism, in particular related to education. The overall Vienna metropolitan region is divided into the state of Vienna as a federalist unit, and its surrounding areas as part of the surrounding and competing state of Lower Austria. Vienna with its long social democratic tradition has been the centre of a partisan attempt towards school reforms after World War 1 which still divides education policy along the promotion of the tracked school from age ten (rural) vs. a comprehensive school at least until age fourteen (urban). The political discourses about education are mainly situated at the central level, and follow a one-size-fits-all approach guided by an ‘average’-image of the education structure without taking into account the urban-rural distinctions. The urban status of Vienna as a minority of one among nine federal units appears as exceptional and ‘problematic’, measured not against the standards of urban education but against rural conditions. Consequently, the issues of urban education are not tackled as serious issues to be resolved, but ‘repressed’ in the old Freudian manner behind an average overall structure; (...)"
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 Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien