
AutorIn 1:
European Commission
HerausgeberIn 1:
EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Directorate B - Modernisation of Education II: Education policy and programme, Innovation, EIT and MSCA
Schools policy
A whole school approach to tackling early school leaving
Publications Office of the European Union
"(...) Early school leaving (ESL) is a pressing concern for the individual, for society and the economy. The skills and competences gained in upper secondary education are seen as the minimum credentials for successful labour market entry and as the foundation for further learning and training opportunities. These skills and competencies help prepare young people for life, developing the potential in every person so that they become fulfilled and active citizens. Yet 11.1% of 18 to 24 year-olds have left education and training without completing an upper secondary programme according to Eurostat 2014 data. Those born abroad are on average twice as likely to leave the education and training system early when compared to native-born individuals. About 60% of these early school leavers are either unemployed or inactive and face long-term social and economic disadvantage. It is well documented that early leaving from education and training leads to reduced employment opportunities and increased likelihood of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. The complexity and multi-faceted dimension of early leaving from education and training is widely acknowledged and requires an equally multi-dimensional approach to adequately address its diverse causes. Many of its triggers are linked to the effects of wider societal factors outside the education system. (...)"
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