
AutorIn 1:
Haydn, Franziska
AutorIn 2:
Götz, Rudolf
AutorIn 3:
Polsterer, Andreas
weitere AutorInnen:
Kolmerová, Martina; Modrá, Jarmila; Váňová, Jana; Klein, Rosemarie; Reutter, Gerhard; Plant, Peter; Brglez, Anita; Mlinarič; Alenka Sagadin
HerausgeberIn 1:
HerausgeberIn 2:
ÖSB Consulting
TRIAS – Guidance in the workplace Guidance in the workplace – European experiences collected. Report on Good-Practices
"(...) This synthesis report was prepared in the project “TRIAS – Guidance in the workplace: involving employers, reaching low qualified”, which is co-financed by the EU ERASMUS+ programme. The project is implemented by partners‟ institutions from five EU countries, under the leadership of ÖSB Consulting from Austria. The other partners are: bbb - Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung (Germany), Andragoški zavod Maribor (Slovenia), Peter Plant (Denmark) and Erudicio (Czech Republic). The main aim of the project is to set up an effective system of career guidance for low qualified workers, provided with the support of employers directly at the working place. The TRIAS project develops an innovative approach of career guidance. For this purpose the partnership focuses on strengthening the capacities and competences of guidance practitioners for providing guidance to the employed in their workplace with particular regard to the low qualified as one of the most important target groups in adult education. (...)"
[Weiterbildungsberatung, Beratungsforschung, Beratungsmethoden, Berufsberatung, Human Resources, Personalpolitik, Personalentwicklung, Bildungsplanung, Bildungsbeteiligung, Bildungsmarketing, Erwachsenenpädagogik, Erwachsenenbildung, BildungsberaterInnen, Kompetenzentwicklung, Niederschwelligkeit, Geringqqualifizierte]
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 ÖSB Consulting - Austria