
AutorIn 1:
Mascherini, Massimiliano
AutorIn 2:
Ledermaier, Stefanie
AutorIn 3:
Vacas-Soriano, Carlos
weitere AutorInnen:
Jacobs, Lena
HerausgeberIn 1:
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - Eurofound
Long-term unemployed youth: Characteristics and policy responses
Publications Office of the European Union
"(...) Despite positive signs of improvement in the youth labour market across the European Union since 2014, concerns persist regarding the high levels of youth unemployment and long-term youth unemployment. While long-term youth unemployment is certainly not a new policy challenge for Europe, there is broad agreement that, having been exacerbated by the 2008 economic crisis, it now affects a wider range of Young people than it ever did before, ranging from those with third-level degrees to the most disadvantaged Young people. The prevalence of long-term youth unemployment also differs considerably across EU Member States and has been subject to noticeable variations across time. Although the majority of Member States have recorded an increase in long-term youth unemployment rates since the crisis, a number of countries seem to be managing this policy challenge by putting appropriate support measures in place. This study presents a detailed examination of long-term youth unemployment in Europe. It seeks to identify the factors that increase the risk of a young person being jobless for 12 months or more and to analyse the scarring effects this has on well-being, as well as on income and employment prospects in the long term. In addition, the study examines policy initiatives from 10 Member States in order to shed light on successful approaches to addressing this policy issue. (... )"
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 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - Eurofound