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Carma Project Partners
Career Management Skills Training Manual for VET Teachers
A comprehensive Manual for VET teachers to support VET learners in developing career management skills
Carma Project Partners
The project „Career Management Skills at VET school level” is supported by Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnerships – 2016-2018 – Project Number: 2016-1-HU01-KA202-022981.
"(...) The Manual has been developed within the Erasmus+ CARMA – Career Management Skills at VET School Level – Project in international strategic partnership. The goal of the Carma Project is to equip vocational education and training (VET) teachers with an innovative tool to support school-based career management skills development in a structured way. The content of the Manual is based on literature review (desktop study) and an analysis of the relevant target group in the countries of the Partners: Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland. The Manual has been piloted by a group of Hungarian, Bulgarian and Finnish VET teachers specially prepared for the task, tested and revised in accordance with the results of the evaluation carried out by the abovementioned teachers. The relevance of such a Manual and career management skills (CMS) development in Europe is on one hand obviously related to the fast changing labour environment, work patterns and skills demands; on the other hand, the fact that school-based career management skills development is to be developed. Although several sources refer to career management skills development practice and special tools, we have been unable to find structured specific learning materials for CMS. Career management skills development is a key issue as the 4th Industrial Revolution is happening in Europe and across the globe. (...)"
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 Carma - Career Managament Skills at VET School Level