
AutorIn 1:
Godin, Benoît
Statistics and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: How to Get Relevant Indicators
Montreal, Quebec Canada
OECD Blue Sky II Conference “What Indicators for Science, Technology and Innovation Policies in the 21st Century” Ottawa, Canada 25-27 September 2006
"(...) I would like to contribute to this conference with some perspectives, namely historical perspectives concerning statistics on science, technology and innovation, and use such a perspective to suggest some avenues to develop an agenda for the future. Essentially, I suggest going back to three basic conditions as necessary steps before constructing a new generation of indicators. First, that we start to reconsider critically most of the conceptual frameworks that we now use to collect and analyze statistics. Secondly, that we start thinking seriously about what national systems really mean for statistics, instead of focusing on international comparisons and standardization of methodologies. Third, that we depart for a moment from the economic approach. These ideas are extreme and provocative, but I am sure all of you can adapt them to your own take on the situation. (...)"
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