
AutorIn 1:
Georgescu, Dakmara
AutorIn 2:
Stabback, Philip
AutorIn 3:
Jahn, Klaus
weitere AutorInnen:
Ag-Muphtah, Elmehdi; de Castro, Philippe
HerausgeberIn 1:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
Preparation for Life and Work
Comparative Study with a Focus on Basic (Primary and Lower Secondary) Education in Developing African Countries
"(...) In accordance with its terms of reference, the main tasks of the Study on Preparation for Life and Work with a Focus on Basic Education (Primary and Secondary) in Developing African Countries3 were to examine the basic education (written) curricula of a range of African countries to assess the extent to which they provided opportunities to young people to develop practical and useful competencies and skills. A further task was to set this information in a broader context by analysing and describing the approaches to competency and skill development adopted in contexts outside Africa. Life and work are strongly inter-connected and preparation for both ought to take into account current developments.What does it mean to live and work in the twenty-first century? What is different in comparison to the past, and what is to be envisaged with regard to the future? The curriculum (especially in its written form, which sets broader or more specific guidelines for learning) is only one of the factors impacting on individual and societal development, and has a mediated influence. Even a good curriculum is not effective per se, but reaches students based on teachers’ facilitation, in specific conditions. (...)"
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